Where Yesterdays Memories Become Tomorrows Treasures

Posts tagged ‘online sales’

LilacsNDreams Ecrater Artfire Etsy Ebay Shops


Welcome to LilacsNDreams! Wow! Been a while again since I was here, and I do apologize for the schedule delays of posting here with my wordpress blog. I had the issue with having a new blog addy with my other blog. Then….I had an issue with my computer, and spent a whole weekend, and into the following week working with it. Still not completely where it was before, but it is working, and I can use it. I lost some things, found some things, and then lost them again. I am not computer literate, so that makes it even longer to get things done and understand them too.

WOW! Where has this month of June gone too? Seems like we just got started with it, and here we are at the end of it almost already too. Won’t be much longer, and it will be the 4th of July. Besides blog, and computer I have been trying to get pictures done again for listings in my shops that I would like to do. I have some things sitting out to repurpose too. Was hoping to do that tonight, but not sure if I will make it that far yet. I took pictures of about 5 different items, downloaded them, and now I have to get them all revised with sizes to work for my listings at the shops I have. I have been working on moving inventory into my Ecrater Shop including my repurposed items too. I still have things with Artfire. I am waiting on items to expire at Etsy, and will move those over to Ecrater too. I know some have not heard of Ecrater, and wonder if they are worth using for selling. They are free to list at, you only pay your fees with your payment services that you use, you are allowed up to 10 photos for each item, and when I check for some of my listings in the search engines….Ecrater is good about showing before some of the other shops I have.  So, for the site being all free I think that is pretty darn good. I still have items I will list at Ebay as well. That is because I am trying to change my inventory, and make room for more. Along with moving that has been planned for quite some time now as well. 

So, when you have a chance stop by to visit my shops. Any questions give me a holler. I can generally invoice you myself with Paypal, and Google Checkout or as it is becoming official now…Google Wallet. Just let me know if that is what you want, and your preference too.

Thanks so much for sharing your time with LilacsNDreams. Have a wonderful weekend, and come back to visit again soon now!



LilacsNDreams Site

LilacsNDreams Shoppe Site

LilacsNDreams Website

Vintage Collectibles Repurposed Upcycled Weekend

Vintage, Collectibles, Repurposed, Upcycled Weekend.

   Hello everyone, and thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams! Always happy to see you, and glad you visited as well. Here it is our first Friday for May, and into the weekend we are going. Any big plans? Will you be relaxing, maybe thrifting, visiting some yard sales, or maybe have plans with the family/friends too. Whatever it is I hope that you all enjoy the weekend.

   No special plans really for me this weekend. Work on the yard…which we had some storms happen about halfway through me mowing. Bad enough for the sirens to go off. Got through that, and all is well again. Now, back to my plans. I was thinking of getting some painting done, at least getting done around the trim. Fill in a couple of cracks in the ceiling. Then…I was hoping to work on some listings for my stores. Downsizing my collections, and inventory. Making room for us to be moving in a few months I hope…if all goes well. Will sure packing a lot easier. It will also make room for me to go shopping again in a new area, new thrift stores, different yard sales, and some wonderful flea markets too. Getting excited for that! Then, I can also focus more with repurposing some items I keep looking at here, and getting a little bit more done in that area too.

   Whatever your plans may be this weekend I hope you enjoy them, have fun, and do all you wish to do. Hey, while doing your list of things….don’t forget to relax too! When you are roaming the internet feel free to visit my stores to see my collections being offered, and to watch for more items to be added too. See me at Artfire, Ecrater, Etsy, and find me on Ebay as LilacsNDreams also. I am offering vintage, collectibles, repurposed, and some upcycled items too. Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me as well. See something you like I would be happy to invoice you personally for such purchases too. Thanks again for visiting everyone, and see you again soon! Take care till the next time.


LilacsNDreams Main Site

LilacsNDreams Shoppe Site

LilacsNDreams Website

Selling Online Hard Work

Hello, and Welcome to my LilacsNDreams Blog at WordPress! Below you are going to see a topic about Selling Online, it’s hard work, different than the brick and mortar stores, and some things involved with it. Sharing an opinion, and others are welcome to comment, and share too. Also, what you read below has pretty much been copied over from my other LilacsNDreams Blog, but wanted to share it here too. Hope you enjoy it.

Today I am going to discuss a subject that many of us deal with as sellers online.  Please remember this is in my opinion. There is no right, or wrong. You are welcome to comment, or share with us here too. When searching, or doing a listing with any of the venues I sell with I try to put things into perspective as if I were the buyer is generally how I work with most of my listings, and things I do for Online Sales.

I believe that Selling Online is hard work, and could be even more if I did everything I read and seen mentioned to do. It is very time consuming, and much harder to do than selling in person in my opinion. I feel it to be harder as the buyer is not able to touch what is being sold. Therefore have to work more with our descriptions to help the buyer feel the product, and also make the search engines happy with words we use. Along with this are pictures so that the prospective buyer can also better see with our descriptions what is being offered. As some of us know, pictures can also be time consuming with lighting, finding the right angles, amount of pictures, etc.

Another issue is that there is no two way conversation between the seller, and buyer to see the buyer’s eyes. Seeing someone’s eyes helps get a feel about the upcoming purchase. Helps you to better assist with addressing things right on the spot. Conversation is always helpful. I myself sometimes get too winded when describing things in my listings. I am trying to get the buyer to see what I see, feel what I can feel, and hopefully answer questions without wasted time between us contacting each other through emails.

Time is spent with shipping costs, finding the best one to offer for the item being sold, and the best way to ship from past experiences too. Unless the items I offer can be put to something smaller like an envelope, I generally send items USPS Priority Mail with insurance included. Reason for that is generally the shipping rates are a bit better, customers get their items within 2-3 days, and the insurance is always included for a more secure delivery. That comes from past dealings with the postal service. If a customer contacts me, and wishes to have it sent another way, I will work with them to do so as requested. I work with my customers the best possible way that I can.

Another thing as a seller to keep in mind is the venues we choose to sell with. Some of the venues do not cater to the same type of buyers, and sellers. I have found that sometimes what can work for one seller does not always work for another seller. There are many venues out there to choose from, some have higher fees to sell with than others, some advertise for their members, some work well with their members by having an operational site with support that can always be contacted too. It all depends what works for you, and where you find to feel comfortable with. It is important for you to pick the right selling venue for You. 

Some have their own websites. That is more cost to some with hosting fees, domain fees, shopping carts, and with your own website you also have to work harder to get yourself seen within search engines for the prospective buyer to find you. For me I have my blogs, my website, all having domains directed to them, and find this to be a smaller cost for me. With my blogs, and websites I offer the links for the venues I sell at, instead of a shopping cart I use the Artfire Rapid Cart, Ecrater Widget, and the RSS Feeds for the sites including Addoway. If any questions I can be contacted with no problem as I do read my emails through out the day. Also, if a seller would like to purchase directly from me I am more than welcome to invoice them through paypal. 

So, what do you think? How has it been for you selling online, and have you found what can work for you? If so, please share with us here. Thoughts, comments, and opinions are always welcome at LilacsNDreams. I only ask everyone to be civil, and remember that we all have our own opinions to things with no right, or wrong answer.

Thanks so much for visiting with LilacsNDreams today! I enjoy the visits, the comments, the sharing, and hope to see you again. Take care till the next time Everyone.  Remember to visit with my stores with the links provided on this blog page. Thank You!

*  *  Where Yesterdays Memories Become Tomorrows Treasures  *  *